Sisters of the Holy Fiber -Episode 28- The Unexpected Book

(We are working on a new place to store our audio & can’t update in iTunes until we resolve this. Your patience is requested, but hopefully it will be very soon!)

Projects of the Moment: WIPs Report & Finished Objects (00:40)

TinyKiwi works on (no relation, other than we’re both small birds) TinyOwlKnits’s Unicorn Horn from the Care of Magical Creatures Charm Bracelet #1 for our Knit ALong. She makes her own size 0 DPNs out of toothpicks and talks about using nail-polish on them… Which she later does.

Join us in our KAL of the CoMC Bracelet(s) which we’re running through to the end of November!

Post for a chance to WIN a “Care of Magical Creatures Charm Bracelet” pattern (by TinyOwlKnits) from us through Ravelry–

by posting in our “Introductions” thread or the “Ear Party” thread in our SotHF Rav group, (or leaving a comment here if you don’t have a Ravelry account.)

We’re keeping the contest open until…Sept 15th, 2014! 11:59 pm (PST) so come post & enter!

[If you already own Charm packs 1,2, and 3, then RS will gift you an equal value pattern from your wish-list.]

TinyKiwi gets further along on her “Follow the Spiders” hat.

RambunctiouSky works more on her Knitmore Girls Vanilla Socks by Jasmin Canty (available for free,) but has to wait to take measurements.

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s  a F.O.!

Pieces of Eight mitts are finished! It’s a free pattern, but it’s not entirely clearly written so RS re-wrote the pattern. All things considered, RS likes the pattern and plans to make more.

TK does an un-paid advertisement for Dip Dabs, and wishes she’d get a sponsorship from them, just so that she could get free Dip Dabs. ❤

Brainy Moments (10:24)

RS talks about grafting and when you can avoid Kitchener Stitch grafting (because that produces stockinette stitch).  We talk about the value of practicing grafting to overcome fear.

Hyperventilate (14:46)

TK talks about the joy of finding a snippet of Colin Firth at the end of an old version of The Secret Garden (1987) that she watched as a kid. Colin Firth ~swoon~ Mister Yummy Man himself. God he looks so young! It’s available on YouTube at the moment if you care to take a gander.

TK also finds the addictive blog:

RS finds and becomes addicted to David Attenborough’s documentaries to knit along with.

We talk about weird bird habits.

Shiny (and Books) (19:24)

TK gets the book Landscape Plants For California Gardens: An Illustrated Reference of Plants for California Landscapes by Bob Perry, and loves it. #DontTellTheBoyfriendIBoughtIt is becoming my new favorite hashtag, apparently.

RS has a shiny new cardigan!

She also checks out Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage: A Novel by Haruki Murakami from her local library, and reads it in two days.

Walks in the Urban Wilderness with a hint of I Spy (28:04)

RS goes for a hike, and visits a botanic garden in her area (and learns about Coast Live Oaks!) Lizards.

[TK needs texts from RS to put on sunscreen, and RS needs texts from TK to walk more. New goals!]

TK wears out her feet running around at a temp job, and gets to garden with Ginger (white and yellow flowered varieties,) Red Zonal Pelargoniums (aka Geraniums). She gets her regular day of gardening in, plus one extra, and one hard hot day of setting up tables in the sun, followed by 8 hours at the temp job the next day. If she had a goal for steps, she’d have met it!  She also sees boths Anna’s and Allen’s Hummingbirds.

Sorry of all the noise on TK’s end. The boyfriend was too busy making food to be quiet, and she kindly didn’t want him to starve while waiting.

TK tries to face her fear of Grasshoppers (and anything that looks like one) by picking them up and feeding them to chickens.
She also sees the cutest jumping spider! It looked like a gold spray-painted jewel.

RS remembers she finally saw a spider in the web tornado it’s built.

Ear Party (39:11)

RS talks about Feminist Lesbian Stand-Up Comedy show called Put Your Hands Together run by Cameron Esposito? Ask RS for more info and Wam Bam Pow! podcast

TK once again touts the virtues of The Weasley Sisters’ Podcast, ❤ listens to a few books on tape, Keith Urban, and “Archie Powell and the Exports”.

Random Remnants (44:40)

TK talks about taking apart our Grandparents’ old Automatic Stereophonic Solid-State “Portable” Magnavox Record Player. (Plays up to 6 records! No tubes to service!)

The sound tanks a bit here until the microwave turns off. Dang you SKYYYYYPE!

RS lines a bag she made TK and mails it out to her! Sneaky presents!

RS waaaades through boxes of family photos, and plants Gardenias.

We go over the contest rules and talk about the KAL.

Sisters of the Holy Fiber -Episode 27- Mitts for Andre the Giant

(We are working on a new place to store our audio. We won’t update in iTunes until we resolve this. Your patience is requested, but hopefully it will be very soon, despite what we say in the podcast!)

Projects of the Moment: WIPs Report & Finished Objects (00:40)

TinyKiwi needs to take apart and re-sew some little flowers onto hair clips.

TK finishes her first ever washcloth and finishes the loofah scrubber for detention. A sweatband just needs a button to be ready, and some super-shiny bows are ready to go!

She also starts a hat she’s going to call her “Follow the Spiders” hat, and begins to gather her supplies for the KAL!

RambunctiouSky finishes the Stag Antler for our TinyOwlKnits’s Care of Magical Creatures Charm Bracelet #1 KAL

Join us! Post for a chance to WIN the pattern from us through Ravelry by posting in our Introductions thread or the Ear Party thread in our SotHF Rav group.

RS works more on her Knitmore Girls Vanilla Socks by Jasmin Canty (available for free,) but has to wait to take measurements.

She also starts Pieces of Eight mitts, another free pattern, but it’s not entirely clearly written so check other people’s Rav notes before you start.

We talk more about our plans for the KAL (Knit Along) with TinyOwlKnits’s Care of Magical Creatures Charm Bracelet #1. We’re offering the pattern as a prize if you go post in our Introduce Yourself thread in our Rav group or in the Ear Party thread, also in the Rav group. (If you’re not on Ravelry, that’s ok; drop us a comment here.) Note: We changed the date to a later date since we only got a chance to post to YouTube and not to Rav or our blog. Contest is still going on!

Sisters of the Holy Fiber -Episode 26- Tonka Truckin’

(We are working on a new place to store our audio. We won’t update in iTunes until we resolve this. Your patience is requested, but hopefully it will be soon!)

Projects of the Moment: WIPs Report

TinyKiwi works on her light-blue rosary and (re-)designs some hair bows based on the ones from Nikki Trench’s Geek Chic Crochet.

She also has to do some maintenance on a handmade (not by her) purse.

RambunctiouSky works on her Knitmore Girls Vanilla Socks by Jasmin Canty available for free.

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s Finished Objects!

TK makes a Tonka Truck Necklace with just a found object Tonka truck wheel and some ball chain. Easy peasy but loads of fun to play with! Zoom!

Brainy Moments (5:00)

TK uses a chisel to chip off the heads of rivets that attached the clip to a clipboard (after unsuccessfully trying to drill them forever.) Now she has a lovely strong particle board to carry her portable cutting mat around on for portable papercrafting!

TK also shows off a plier rack she made using a thick paint stir-stick and some scrap 2×4 that she sawed at a 45 degree angle. 6 nails later, and voila!

Heels by Number – RS used the V heel; this site is great for figuring out how many stitches you need for a heel!

Bug proofing yarn – a Ravelry search through the yarn forum, and we talk about all the ways we’ve heard of for dealing with bug problems in yarn.

I Spy (14:20)

RS goes camping. So relaxing! She spies stars! Like the kind in the sky. She also gets a chance to use the app where it shows you the constellations wherever you are. She also sees crows at school.

TK only sees a hawk by the highway.

Ear Party (16:34)

Noche Sueños by Mala

Weasley Sisters…We seriously love them. ❤ Check ’em out.

Random Remnants (18:20)

TK talks about maybe throwing some of her stuff into a craft show. We’ll see!

RS starts teaching again soon!

We talk about our KAL (Knit Along) with TinyOwlKnits’s Care of Magical Creatures Charm Bracelet #1. We’re offering the pattern as a prize if you go post in our Introduce Yourself thread in our Rav group or in the Ear Party thread, also in the Rav group. (If you’re not on Ravelry, that’s ok; drop us a comment here.)

Sisters of the Holy Fiber -Episode 8- Zebra Sweaters

Sisters of the Holy Fiber Ep 8 <Click Here to Listen to Audio Only

Projects of the Moment: WIPs Progress Report (0:50)

RambunctiouSky makes significant progress on her Sashiko Cardi–Look at all that progress–fronts and backs done! Now it’s time for two-at-a-time sleeves!

RS  mentions The Knitter’s Handy Book of Sweater Patterns by Ann Budd, although she couldn’t remember it’s name, so here’s the link!
She’s also working on an owl plushie but needs to make some felt eyes, so it’s sitting on the WIPs shelf for now.

TinyKiwi reaches the 50% mark for the row count on her Fibonerdy Shawl! She shows her progress on the octopus knee-warmers, but admits they may not get done… her enthusiasm for this project is waning.  She also finally breaks down and uses her fabric button maker, and starts making little Harry Potter-inspired potions jar charms. RS wants some!

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane, It’s FOs! (15:12)

TK counts her one button as a finished object, in her desperation to showcase something finished. 😛

Shiny! (18:01)

RS got her yarn that she bought from a destash! Show-and-tell time!

Blue Moon Fiber Arts “Socks that Rock Lightweight”
Numma numma “The Special”,
Sanguine Gryphon “Bugga!”

RS learns things from Knit.FM Podcast

TK mentions Hermione’s Everyday Socks, but RS was thinking of the Narcissa Socks (also awesome) from the Unofficial Harry Potter Knits Magazine.

Hyperventilate (27:06)

RS keeps watching and enjoying more Murder She Wrote

TK’s hyperventilate this week blends into:

Books to Stick Your Nose In (with Brainy Moment Tangent!) (21:24)

TK’s button book that she shows off: 手づくりくるみボタンの本 which is full of cute ideas for embroidered, painted and crocheted fabric buttons.  We both geek out a little bit. Stay tuned next week to see what TK ends up making out of this book.

We discuss “best” ways to attach buttons to knit fabric. Our consensus is to use a backing button, but if you have any other ideas, we’d love to hear them!

I Spy! (35:30)

TK sees Crows & Hummingbirds, hears Mockingbirds, and sees Ash trees in need of some TLC/pruning.

RS isn’t a fan of meadows, but sees some cool ….

INSECT/SPIDER WARNING! Skip to time stamp (39:48) if you can’t stand that kinda talk, and skip the rest of this paragraph. Ok…so she saw some cool brown spiders all along the side of the path in their in-ground lairs. So cool!

Phew! It’s safe now! Never let it be said that we don’t care about you, dear listeners! ❤

RS also sees something that she thinks is a Junco, but isn’t entirely sure.

Ear Party (44:59)

TK’s been listening to old American folk music like Leadbelly’s I’m Alone Because I Love You, and here’s the wiki link to the song “In the Pines/Black Girl/Where Did You Sleep Last Night” so you can see the progression of the song’s lyrics, like TK was trying to talk about.
Then there’s the blues singer/guitarist Lightnin Hopkins with “A Man Like Me is Hard to Find
TK recommends you spend some time listening to everything you can find by both these guys. She also talks about some of the music from the soundtrack “O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Then TK talks about Slavic Soul Party, with their version of Opa Cupa (or Opa Tsupa) being a favorite of TK’s (although the female vocalist isn’t part of the band,) and Gogol Bordello…for which TK gave up finding a song of theirs with G-rated lyrics (they have some, but they’re not easy to find on the YouTubes), so she recommends the very NSFW Huliganjetta, which although it’s a great song, comes with a very strong language warning. Advisory! It’s got a couple of curse words.

RS finds a new podcast through the Knitmore Girls, called Geeky Girls Knit Podcast, which is also another mother-daughter podcast.  We can dig it!

Walks in the Urban Wilderness (52:38)

TK hit within her flex goal (4-7), with 5 walks this week, while RS met her goal of 2, and adds one yoga session to her weekly goal.

Random Remnants (54:49)

Then we’re back to slightly bad video/sound for a bit as TK rambles on about sewing some new pillowcases, maybe for the Headmistress’ Challenge??

RS talks about her new vegetarian cooking class.  Different teaching styles, ftw? Ftw!

And that’s all for this week, folks!